Supporting Young Talent

Published: Sep 20 2019

Congratulations to Sligo’s U14 Gurteen Celtic Football Club

As a new season begins, we’d like to congratulate Sligo’s own U14 Gurteen Celtic Football Club, who, after a nail-biting match against Ballymote Celtic, were crowned champions for the North West Cup Sligo Leitrim Boys U13 Group A-League for 2018/2019 . The team is eager to keep the crown and title again this year.

PHD Modular Access are proud sponsors for the young Gurteen Celtic team. PHD is an international business with Irish origins, and the Dwyer family are eager to support the football teams from their hometown.

Managing Director, Danny Dwyer, said “We’re very proud of the U14 Gurteen Celtic Team’s success at the North West Cup and their hard work and dedication is one of the main reasons we want to stay involved with the team.”

Supporting young talent

Whether it’s in extracurricular activities like football, or helping to build experience within their careers, PHD is always looking to support young talent. This is why we created an Apprenticeship Scheme for 16 – 24-year-olds interested in developing experience as a Scaffolder within the construction industry.